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ukraina foorum : Üritused : Demo Race Lätis/Liepaja 18. juunil  
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Demo Race Lätis/Liepaja 18. juunil
Tere, Dragracer´id,

Kas kellegil on aega 18. juuniks sõita Lätti ja teha seal mõned demosõidud Liepajas? Seal toimub üks firmaüritus ja nad soovivad pakkuda lisaväärtust ja show´d oma klientidele.

Kõik kulud saavad kaetud.

Kas keegi on huvitatud?

30.03.2005 at 11:29
Demo Race Lätis/Liepaja 18. juunil
dear hot rod masters!
my comrade Priit wrote down information about the event we are going to conduct in Liepaja on June 18.
I am looking forward to get in touch with those guys who are interested to come for the event and show their cars as well skills of drag race. event is going to happen in Liepaja airport - plenty of space.
for those who are interested please write an email to me as soon as possible as we have to fix all the related matters and get more information about the event.

01.04.2005 at 18:24 foorum : Üritused : Demo Race Lätis/Liepaja 18. juunil  
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