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ukraina foorum : Üritused : Kiikala Burnout Party  
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Kiikala Burnout Party
Kas kellegi on plaanis sinnapoole oma sammud siis järgmisel laup (24) seada? Eelmine aasta käisin, jättis päris hea mulje ja fiilingu.... äkki paneb Lauri siis see aasta ET Bracketi kinni :)

Neile, kes ei tea, siis Kiikala asub (minu mäletamist mööda) ca 100km Helsingist loodesse. Autoga läks täitsa mõnusalt: hommikul kohale ja õhtul tagasi.

Eelmine aasta kirjutasin ühe lookese ka selle kohta. Uuri järgi!
19.08.2002 at 23:22
Kiikala Burnout Party
I'm going:) Have to swap some converters today to get the car ready for the race after last weekends trials:)
20.08.2002 at 09:42
Kiikala Burnout Party
And what do you hope for? Last year it was 10.4/222 as I remember. With "something" slipping.
20.08.2002 at 15:26
Kiikala Burnout Party
I hope for good weather. If the ar works, hopefully I'll be in the top three.
20.08.2002 at 15:30
Kiikala Burnout Party
And what ET/speed are you targeting? As I remember, the traction got pretty decent with the rubber, hopefully by the semis then :) Who are coming? Luigi?
20.08.2002 at 15:36
Kiikala Burnout Party
Kuigi käisin oma esimesel kiirendusel alles viimane kord Raadil, oli see Kiikala pidu plaanis kuu kaks tagasi. Aga oma "rotikaga" ei tahaks minna ja ei lähe ka - sama rongi ja jalareisu kohta.
Kui siis keegi oma autos koha leiaks, oleks hea meelega tulemas, nägemas ja kogemas.

... mis on sellisel juhul, my budget for ...

tänud ette, kuid ega vst palju minejaid pole.

20.08.2002 at 16:28
Kiikala Burnout Party
No ET targets, it all depends wether the trans works or not. Took it aart yesterday; there was a little metal shavings in the oil pan, the oil smelled "not so good" but was still red. All the discs seemed good and there was no signs of internal slippage, so I just put it together and installed it back with another converter. Checked the ngine oil too, first time this summer! Had to add two litres. Luigi should come to Kiikala and the TT Hornet too. Don't know of any others, but since there is the WCC final at the same time I believe those two will be the "worst enemies". I beleive Seppo is coming to Kiikala too, but Jussi will go to WCC finals.
21.08.2002 at 09:38
Kiikala Burnout Party
It was a nice sunny saturday in Kiikala. We went there at 8 AM and was among the first ones in the inspection. The inspection took very long and the schedule was about an hour late from the beginning.

There was 210 drivers attending; more would have wanted to come but they had to draw the line somewhere. We got three rounds of qualification, after that Seppo was fifth in C going against #1 in the eliminations and Kartsa with a '66 Nova was a couple of places behind. Both fell in the first round; Seppo made a small tactical mistake not driving the third qualification run. The marginal traction got better all the time and Seppos 11.6 ET in the first elimination round would have been good for third place in the qualification. In D-class the TT Hornet was the first in qualification qith a 10.3 and I was second three tenths behind. In the elimination Tuksas Valiant dropped the Hornet in the first round, I run against a '55 chevy, a Ranchero and in the Finals against a '68 Camaro with some monster tires. He red lighted and I took the win with a 10.42/220. Next weekend is the FHRA finals; I believe I'll drive in the bracket class there. I should get the third place in points in D even without driving, and Olli will drive Jussis and Ollis Valiant in the bracket too. There should be four cars in the bracket class and so far only two in D. Jussi took the third place in West Coast Cup points and was fourth in last saturdays finals.
26.08.2002 at 13:30
Kiikala Burnout Party
Congrats! How was the car running?

Hmm.. but why did you drive the Dart? Unusual for Kiikala. Was the bar closed? :)
26.08.2002 at 15:37
Kiikala Burnout Party
The car run well, no problems. I was there alone and had to drive myself. And yes, there was a bar!
26.08.2002 at 15:58
Kiikala Burnout Party
Congrats !!!
26.08.2002 at 16:05 foorum : Üritused : Kiikala Burnout Party  
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