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ukraina foorum : Autod : Baldwin Motion Vega  
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Baldwin Motion Vega
Ma ei teadnudki, et selline asi eksisteeris.
17.09.2003 at 15:58
Baldwin Motion Vega
vot see on ilus ja kindlasti v2ga v6imas auto. kere on 5+

Hobitehnika mehaanika, elektroonika ning nende seadistamine - kõik ühes kohas.
17.09.2003 at 21:34
Baldwin Motion Vega
mis see auto yldse endast kujutab??? pole seda isegi varem n2inud.

Hobitehnika mehaanika, elektroonika ning nende seadistamine - kõik ühes kohas.
18.09.2003 at 21:38
Baldwin Motion Vega
Millest Sa kuulnud ei ole, Vegast või Baldwin-Motionist ?

Kui Vega on Sinu jaoks uudis, siis soovitan lihtsalt autoajalugu studeerida.

Baldwin oli üks Chevy edasimüüja kes tuli turule oma eriseeriatega, samamoodi kui Yenko ja Berger. Mulle meeldib nende business põhimõte:

A customer would be asked what elapsed time he would like the car to turn in the quarter mile dragstrip. It was then that the customer would be given a price on the car with a guarantee for the elapsed time, or their money would be returned.

Veel lugemist nii Baldwini kui ka teiste müüjate erimudelite kohta:
18.09.2003 at 22:01 Last edited 18.09.2003 at 22:01 by peep (Moderator)
Baldwin Motion Vega
nyyd selgem :) t2nud

Hobitehnika mehaanika, elektroonika ning nende seadistamine - kõik ühes kohas.
18.09.2003 at 22:13
Baldwin Motion Vega
Eks neid Motioni haruldasemaid projekte on teisigi.

1978 Motion Trans Am

1980 Motion Camaro "Phase III"

Enda konkurentsitu lemmik on muidugi see:
1969 Motion "Phase III" Corvette, limited production Motion prepped 454, punched out to 482ci, and pushing 600+ horsepower, 4-speed with a Hone-overdrive, turning 5.13 gears in the rear. This car only shows 14,900 miles on the odometer, and is unrestored!
22.09.2003 at 11:28 Last edited 22.09.2003 at 11:30 by Taavi
Baldwin Motion Vega
15000 miles with 5.13 rear gears!
22.09.2003 at 15:33 foorum : Autod : Baldwin Motion Vega  
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