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ukraina foorum : In English : It only can happen in Finland  
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It only can happen in Finland
Member of parlament, Erkki Tuomioja, recommend gasoline coupons to Finnland citizens.
Every people get coupons and after that you can buy gasoline. If you dont have coupons
you cant buy gasoline....if you dont need gasoline you can sell these coupons...(and if
you need more coupons you must buy these from Black Market for a good price)
What can I say...Erkki Tuomioja is still grazy after all these years!
It only can happenn in Finland!!!

26.02.2008 at 02:25
It only can happen in Finland
What's the purpose of that? There's no shortage of gasoline.

Pontiac Fiero SE 3.4 V6 '85
26.02.2008 at 02:30
It only can happen in Finland
Yes, there is no shortage!
The members of parlament (in Finland) wants to show how green they are!
And after that they think they are good and clever members in EU parlament!
And we pay...normal citizens pay everything like that!

There is no reason to do something like that...They are only stupid and they want to be so, so green!!!!
And people in Finland are like a sheeps...we are afraid to say anything!...exept only YES !!!!

26.02.2008 at 09:26
It only can happen in Finland
Calm down a little:) You still have democracy so if they do that, they will not be elected back. So next members of parliament can end this.

We had similar system in the beginning of 1990s . I think it was 20 liters per car per month and half for a cycle. (I remember my dad located his old cycle papers just to get the extra 10 liters a month)

'84 Fiero 4.5T mängimiseks
Eesti esimene dragster, eiteamilleks?
26.02.2008 at 10:57
It only can happen in Finland
Green from outside, red from inside.

edit: you are welcome to get all you need from Tallinn - vodka, women, gas... :D

'08 Oranzh HHR LT
'93 Must TransAm
'83 Punane Firebird
26.02.2008 at 11:38 1 edit. Last edited 26.02.2008 at 11:40 by fire83
It only can happen in Finland
Haa ...this watermelon sounds GREAT !!! heh, heh

26.02.2008 at 13:15 foorum : In English : It only can happen in Finland  
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